epaselect epa08333486 A humanoid robot named apos;Pepperapos; interacts with shoppers at a supermarket belonging to the Edeka chain, in Lindlar, western Germany, 31 March 2020. Pepper, who was actually developed as a robotic nurse, helps customers keep a safe distance between each other in order to minimize transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus that causes the pandemic COVID-19 disease. According to the German federal disease control agency, the Robert Koch Institute, the number of COVID-19 cases in Germany has exceeded the 67,000 mark, while some 650 deaths have been recorded so far. EPA/SASCHA STEINBACHFood delivery robots, which eliminate the need for hand-to-hand delivery during the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic, outside Broad Branch Market in Washington, DC, USA, 30 March 2020. Once loaded with a customerapos;s to-go order, the six-wheeled robots are fully autonomous, navigating sidewalks to the delivery address, and then returning to the market. EPA/JIM LO SCALZOWUHAN, March 19, 2020 (Xinhua) -- A medical worker uses a tablet computer to control a disinfecting robot at Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University in Wuhan, central Chinaapos;s Hubei Province, March 16, 2020. TO GO WITH XINHUA HEADLINES OF MARCH 19, 2020. (Xinhua/Shen Bohan)
최근 코로나19 사태로 사회적 거리 두기가 글로벌로 확산하면서 병원·마트·방역 분야에서 비대면 로봇의 활약이 커지고 있다. (왼쪽부터 시계 방향으로)독일 서부 린들라르의 에데카 체인 슈퍼마켓 안내 로봇, 미국 워싱턴DC의 음식 배달 로봇, 중국 우한대병원의 방역 로봇, 인도의 서빙 로봇.<EPA·로이터·신화>